Socare Ind
Socare was adjudged as an Outstanding NGO by the Rotary Club of Bangalore, an oldest Rotary Club in the country. The Jury included Theatre Person Arundati Nag, Chief General Manager, SBI Mr. Farooque and the Managing Director of UTC Mr. Chris Rao.

It was a proud moment for Socare Ind when it received the BEST NGO Award in the Women & Child Development and Differently Abled Category. As many as 32 NGOs were considered for the Awards under various categories. Two NGOs were short listed in the Category of Women & Child Development and Differently Abled. Socare Ind was one of them
The members of the Jury consisting of Prof. P. D. Jose, Professor of Strategy IIM Bangalore and Prof. Biswas, Dean IMT, Gaziabad selelected Socare Ind as the Winner for this prestigious Award. Hon Dy Chief Minister Shri. Aswath Narayana was the Chief Guest at the function held on 28th February, 2020 at Orchids Hotel, Bangalore

Late Mr. Mani & Mrs. Saroji Mani
“The hands that do the work are much holier than the lips that pray”.
This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive.
Swami Vivekananda